Yantian Express saga - coming soon to a port near you
News out of Freeport, Bahamas indicates that the fire damaged Yantian Express will indeed to be coming to Halifax, likely before the the end of May, to discharge the remaining containers.Subject to...
View ArticleThe Mists of Time
CMA CGM Orfeo spent the afternoon in number one anchorage, most of the time barely visible in a thick mist. Fortunately the camera sees better than I do, and it was possible to get a photo as it was...
View ArticleSir Robert Bond takes a final bow
The former CN Marine / Marine Atlantic ferry Sir Robert Bond is due to leave Sydney Harbour Sunday May 5 in tow, likely for the scrappers. Filling in while other ships were on refit, Sir Robert Bond...
View ArticleCaledonia Boston Bound
The tall ship Caledonia, once an aspiring part of Halifax's waterfront scene is on the move again after several years languishing in Toronto.On Saturday morning May 4 it left in tow of the tugs Salvage...
View ArticleWhere the Action Is
Most of what activity there was in Halifax Harbour today could be seen from Point Pleasant. With dredging still underway off pier 42, the vista was narrowed somewhat but didn't impede traffic, except...
View ArticleAugusta Unity
Never one to focus entirely on the more popular waterfront activities (such as cruise ships) I usually pay more attention to the mundane, because they often carry interesting stories.Today's departure...
View ArticlePictor J - new to Eimskip and an exercise
It was my intention to to get a photo of the latest addition to Eimskip's Green Line service from a good angle. However the onset of rain deterred me, and I had to settle for another "going away" view....
View ArticleWhy No Posts
It's not as if there has been no activity in Halifax harbour since Friday, but weather has not been conducive - particularly for photography. Here are some highlights.On Monday the Liberian flag, Greek...
View ArticleUsual and Unusual
Traffic in the harbour has been nearly as per usual in the past couple of days, with a few unusual twists.UsualToday Lomur arrived from St-Pierre, on its pinch-hitter role for SPMI while Nolhan Ava is...
View ArticleHow Windy Was It
Very high winds earlier in the week forced many ships to remain in port and even dredging off Halterm was suspended for for Tuesday and Wednesday. Conditions improved by Friday and some ships decided...
View ArticleNo Holiday
Although it is the Victoria Day holiday weekend on land, it does not appear that Monday will be a holiday at sea. The three herring seiners that have been in port since Friday sailed this afternoon for...
View ArticleYantian Exress arrives
The much anticipated arrival of the Yantian Express this morning was obscured to a degree by rain. As the ship worked its way up the harbour, the rain intensified, but it was still possible to see some...
View ArticleFire not the only hazard
Today's arrival in Halifax, the Yantian Express, is just one of several ships that have suffered fires at sea recently. Ships of Grimaldi Lines (parent company of ACL) have suffered two fires in past...
View ArticleGrandeur of the Seas - but things not so grand for others.
It was a blustery mid-morning arrival for Grandeur of the Seas today. Its last port was Saint John, NB, so perhaps the skipper decided to take it easy and not press the ship into high winds and seas to...
View ArticleCoast Guard Renewal
The much anticipated Coast Guard renewal process was announced today by the Prime Minister at a photo op in Vancouver. With a federal election coming in the fall everything is now timed to maximize...
View ArticleHarbour Business - More Rain and Fog - and some updates
Today's weather forecast is for more rain and fog, so harbour picture taking will again be curtailed. Harbour business continues unabated however.The Nirint Shipping Augusta Mars at pier 31 is expected...
View ArticleOne Summer(like) Day
A rapid turnaround in weather gave Halifax a summer-like day and thus the land side of the waterfront was jammed with people and traffic. This imposed serious limitations on photographic mobility, and...
View ArticleCME plans to grow
The locally based Canadian Maritime Engineering Company (CME) is on a growth curve. Its latest acquisition will increase its footprints in eastern Canada.CME's parent company Russell Industries Corp is...
View ArticleToday
Fog and rain eventually hampered visibility in the harbour late in the afternoon, just as the autocarrier Pleiades Spirit was sailing. I was hoping to catch this ship since it does not belong to one of...
View ArticleNordika Desgagnés pit stop
The Canadian owned Nordika Desgagnés is making brief visit to Halifax this morning at pier 27. Like many of the Transport Desgagnés ships it spends part of the year operating under foreign flag, and is...
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