More Tankers
Tanker traffic in Halifax harbour usually concentrates on the Woodside area on the Dartmouth side of the harbour where both Irving Oil and Imperial Oil have terminals for refined product. Ships...
View ArticleCSL Metis - gone south
The self-unloading bulker CSL Metis has been an occasional caller in Halifax to load gypsum for the United States, but not recently. Its last call here that I recorded was in October 2023. It is also...
View ArticleMarch - in like a lamb
Today, March 1, was a very bright, very spring-like day with temperatures edging above zero Celsius. A brisk sea breeze brought a light mist and a healthy dose of ozone. With lots of shipping activity,...
View ArticleOil for Power
The Nova Scotia Power Corporation, a subsidiary of Emera Corporation operates the electricity generating facility at Tufts Cove on the east side of Halifax harbour. The plant is located on The...
View ArticleEast Coast update
When the Irving Oil tanker East Coast moved to Pier 9B on February 27 I should have realized that the ship would be handed back to its owners. My post of that date, titled More Tankers gave the story...
View ArticleCape Ashley - total loss
The second total loss of a fishing vessel in a month has fortunately not resultrd in loss of life. The Fortune Pride sank in severe weather off Halifax February 4 with the deaths of all four crew...
View ArticleInteresting Times
The current unpredictability in the Canadian economy thanks to unwarranted tariffs applied by the President of the United States against Canada will certainly show up in the shipping in Halifax...
View ArticleIn for a bit
With stormy weather coming the CCGS Cape Roger put in to Halifax this morning. The 1251 gt veteran offshore patrol vessel dates from 1977 when it was built by Ferguson Industries Ltd in Pictou, NS....
View ArticleFive Ships - one place
At the the north end of Haifax Harbour, Bedford Basin has been a refuge and anchorage since the earliest days of the European presence in Nova Scotia. Today it is surrounded by insitutional,...
View ArticleReturn to normal
After several days of unsettled weather and resulting delays, with ships at anchor, today, Sunday March 9, ships were once again coming and going.The CMA CGM Hermes arrived this morning, March 9, at...
View ArticleA bit of everything
As usual the Port of Halifax provides something for everybody, with a wide range of shipping activity. Today, March 10, had an unusual variety.At PSA Halifax Atlantic Gateway, Tropical Shipping's...
View ArticleBig price tag for the Louie's replacement
The CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent will be kept in service until replacements are delivered in 2030. On March 7 and March 9 the federal government announced contract signings to build the long-planned Polar...
View ArticleMore Cars
Traditionally as spring returns, car sales increase and so do the numbers of European import cars arriving at Autoport. Even with the current economic uncertainty this year, there does seem to be the...
View ArticleStill More Cars
The spring run on automobiles continued today, March 13, as the Lake Tazawa arrived at Autoport on the Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean transatlantic service. This is the second Pure Car and Truck Carrier...
View ArticleFull House at Pier C
The PSA Atlantic Gateway container terminal occupies the two numbered berths, Piers 41 and 42 at Pier C. There are seven container cranes, and it is possible to dock two Ultra size container ships at...
View ArticleHarbour Meet
Ships often meet entering or leaving Halifax, and good communication ship-to-ship and between the ship and the Vessel Traffic Centre ensure that the meets occur without incident.Meets become...
View ArticlePier 9 activity
In yesterday's post ( March 17 ) I noted the activity at Pier 9C where the Asian Empire sailed after delivering RoRo cargo, and Algoscotia moved from Imperial Oil to Pier 9C. The latter ship, on its...
View ArticleZIM meets ZIM
Today March 19, ZIM had two of its regular callers at PSA Fairview Cove. The early morning arrival was the semi-feeder Box Endurance on the ZCX service from the west coast of South America and the...
View ArticleMSC Switch
Ships of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) are known to call in Halifax for a variety of reasons, including lightering off cargo to reduce draft for the St.Lawrence River. When I saw the ship...
View ArticleSurprise Louie visit
A few years ago the base for the icebreaker CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent was shifted from Halifax to St.John's, NL for political reasons. The (fictional) logic was that it would then be closer to its...
View ArticleRail
Canadian National Railway has a constant demand for new steel rail. There is always a need to replace worn or damaged rail or to upgrade to heavier material. Most mainline rail is now welded to form...
View ArticleCMA CGM President
Ships of CMA CGM, a French company, often carry the names of United States presidents, thanks to CMA CGM's acquisition of American President Lines LLC (APL) in 2016 as part of its purchase of Neptune...
View ArticleTaking Turns
Both Autoport and Pier 27 had two ships scheduled today, so, sensibly, they took turns.AutoportThe early morning arrival at Autoport was the Palmela, eastbound from New York. As noted when it was here...
View ArticleNew for ZCX
ZIM Integrated Shipping's ZCX weekly service from the west coast of South America to the east coast of North America uses spot charter or short term charter ships, and as a result there are frequent...
View ArticleEndeavor Returns
The research vessel Endeavor made a return visit today, March 26, presumably for the same reason that it was here seven and eight years ago.Not Captain James Cooks's ship Endeavour (note the difference...
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