Carnival Horizon
The Carnival Horizon made its Halifax debut today. Delivered March 28 by Fincantieri, Marghera, Italy, the second Vista class ship in the Carnival fleet made its first cruise in the Mediterranean...
View ArticleReturn of the Arsos and Asuka II
Two ships whose names coincidentally begin with the letter A are returning to Halifax after long absences.First in this morning was the container feeder ship Arsos which is now serving ZIM'S new...
View ArticleOceanex takes cars
As soon as Oceanex Sanderling had completed offloading its containers and RoRo cargo at pier 41 this morning (see previous post) it moved over to Autoport before noon. When it sailed this afternoon...
View ArticleAcadia Desgagnés arrives for reflagging
The general cargo ship Acadia Desgagnés arrived at pier 25 this morning to be reflagged back to Canada after spending the winter flying the Barbados flag. Transport Desgagnés acquired the ship a year...
View ArticleHerring Season
The annual arrival of the herring seiners is a sure sign that summer must be on the way. As the boats follow the migratory fish northward in late May and early June they usually put into Halifax. If...
View ArticleItea sold to breakers
A container ship that was a regular caller in Halifax for more than two years has been sold to breakers "as is" in Hong Kong. Itea began to call for ACL in 2016 on its container only service from North...
View ArticleAutos Carriers from the shoebox
Saturday's arrival of the auto carrier Goodwood was an unremarkable event in many ways - we are so used to seeing these ungainly craft working in and out of Halifax on such a regular basis, they...
View ArticleMaersk skips a beat (again) and adds a number
The weekly Maersk / CMA CGM "Canada Atlantic Express" transatlantic service skipped a Halifax call again this past weekend as it did two weeks ago. That was partially made up for with a double call...
View ArticleCSL Tarantau: the new look
CSL Tarantau arrived this morning for National Gypsum. The ship is sporting a fairly recent hull paint job, improving greatly on its look the last time it was here.The ship was built as Balto in 2013...
View ArticleAsian Sun out AS Felicia in at Halterm
This afternoon Tropical Shipping's Asian Sun sailed just as ZIM's AS Felicia was arriving. This was likely an arrangement that allowed for efficient use of line handlers on the pier, but also it took...
View ArticleGravity Highway. Hebridean Sky and USS Toledo
There were three ships of note in Halifax today: 1. The oddly named Gravity Highway made its second visit to Autoport today. The first was in February 2017 but that arrival was not mentioned in...
View ArticleHebridean Sky - Nostalgia at Pier 23
The sight of the mini-cruise ship Hebridean Sky at Pier 23 resulted in a flash-back to the 1970s and 1980s. Although owned by a company called Noble Caledonia, the ownership in fact is vested in the...
View ArticlePaxi works and Paramount waits, and waits
The G6 Alliance ship Paxi, a first time visitor to Halifax arrived this morning and docked at Fairview Cove west end. A big ship of 70,262grt, 80,087 dwt with a capacity of 6865 EU it is about as big...
View ArticleVictory II delayed
The "new" cruise ship Victory II did not make its inaugural visit in Halifax today as originally planned. The ship's refit in Europe has taken longer than hoped, and it will not make its appearance...
View ArticleBritish Sailor back in port
The tanker British Sailor is back at Irving Oil, having first called here December 19, 2017. The variety of tankers bringing oil from Amsterdam seems to be endless, and this ship is one of very few...
View ArticleNorthern Nova Scotia oldies report
A day trip to some northern Nova Scotia ports turned up a few vessels of interest - all of then quite old!In Pictou the venerable ferry Holiday Island was certainly not looking its age as it reposed on...
View ArticleCatching up
Fog, rain and high wind prevented ship watching in the harbour yesterday, but as today wore on things cleared a bit.The Navy was busy in Macnab's Cove (just in side Mauger's Beach) replacing trot...
View ArticleAlgoma Integrity is back
Algoma Integrity arrived just at dusk this evening for another load of gypsum. It went to anchor in Bedford Basin however as the Rt Hon Paul E. Martin is also due late this evening and it will load...
View ArticleEarly Riser Rewards
All of today's scheduled arrivals happened in the early morning. The first, CMA CGM Thames was due at the pilot station at 0430 and Heritage Leader at 0530. These were well before first light, but I...
View ArticleGeneral Steam Navigation - a dip into the shoe box
While digging through the shoebox(es) the other day for photos of Salén ships [ see Shipfax May 31 ] I came across one image that reminded me of all the former British coastal cargo vessels that...
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