Halterm crane updates
Another change in the Halterm crane arrangement noted today.The crane that had remained in the down position at pier 36 and was rarely used, was raised to the up position a couple of weeks ago and has...
View ArticleEndeavor returns
The (United States) National Science Foundation research vessel Endeavor returned to Halifax this afternoon after completing the first 23 day scientific charter from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada at...
View ArticleChristmas Greeting
Unless something extraordinarily exciting happens in Halifax harbour in the next few days, Shipfaxwill be taking a Christmas break for a few days.In the meantime, best wishes for a Merry Christmas and...
View ArticleBoxing Day cleanup
December 26, Boxing Day, is a holiday for most people in Halifax, and a day to clean up after Christmas. Shipping began to move again after a fierce windstorm that left many without power. Gusts up to...
View ArticleAsterix arrival
It was a blustery arrival for Asterix as it put into Halifax this morning for the first time. The Auxiliary Replenishment Ship is fresh from the Davie shipyard in Quebec where it was rebuilt from a...
View ArticleAugusta Sun - new name
The Augusta Sun arrived this afternoonfor Nirint Lines and tied up at pier 31.This is the sixth name for the ship built in 2003 as Atlantic Progress. It was renamed BBC Russia the same year, then in...
View ArticleViking Queen - finally arrives
In the serene surroundings of Eastern Passage, Viking Queen (and its crew) are taking a well earned break from the high seas.It must have been a relief to the crew when Viking Queen finally tied up at...
View ArticleNew Year's Tally
Since New Year's day is a holiday for longshoremen, it is usually fairly slow for commercial shipping and today was no exception, with only one arrival and one departure. For many years I have been...
View ArticleWeather Bomb - Part 1
The huge storm that swept up the US east coast arrived in Nova Scotia this morning and in Halifax by late morning. Extreme high winds and driving rain last until early evening when it became eerily...
View ArticleWeather Bomb - Part 2
The so called weather bomb certainly brought high winds and the storm surge created havoc on coastal roads, with many washed out or washed over. Small ports saw wharf damage and more than half of all...
View ArticleTirranna makes port
After a rough North Atlantic Crossing and a delayed arrival due to various weather bombs and storms, Tirranna tied up at Pier 27-28 today. It was originally scheduled to arrive earlier in the week, but...
View ArticleTanker Loss
In the aftermath of the tragic tanker fire last week off China in which all thirty-two crew members of the Iranian tanker Sanchi lost their lives, it is well to realize that no matter how up to date...
View ArticleSaturday activity
At Nova Scotia Power's Tuft's Cove generating plant on the Narrows, the Greek tanker Fourni was preparing to sail this morning. The 29,663 grt, 51,611 dwt ship, dating from 2010 and built by Hyundai...
View ArticleRed sky in the morning
Sailors are supposed to take warning from a red sky in the morning, but certainly nothing ominous occurred in Halifax today. Ships were able to arrive and depart in relatively calm conditions and...
View ArticleMore TEUs
The Port of Halifax (Halifax Port Authority = HPA) has announced results for 2017 and as expected the TEU count is way up. A 16% increase over 2016 sets an all time record of 559,242 TEU. The previous...
View Articlemore business,
With breakbulk exports way down last year, the Port of Halifax must be pleased to see another Spleithoff ship arriving. In recent months they have been regular callers, loading what appears to be...
View ArticleThe new normal, etc.,
This afternoon's arrival of ZIM Djibouti, a 10,000 plus TEU ship at Halterm has become the new normal, and passes without comment. It was only in June 2017 when the first ship to exceed the 10,000 TEU...
View ArticleAn idea whose time has come (again)
With delivery of the new ferry Vincent Coleman (see yesterday's post) and the imminent delivery of the fourth and last new ferry for Halifax Harbour, talk has resumed on a commuter rail service from...
View ArticleEdward Cornwallis - an open letter
Halifax Regional Municipality Council has (finally) ordered the removal of a statue of Edward Cornwallis from a prominent city park. The statue (erected t in 1931) to honour the founder of Halifax and...
View ArticleSarah Desgagnés - winter visitor
The Canadian flag product tanker Sarah Desgagnés made one of its rare visits to Halifax, sailing yesterday to return to Quebec City.The ship was built in 2007 by Gisan Shipyard in Tuzla, Turkey as...
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