Now Showing
Although I am in my sixth decade of marine photography, my current show at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia is entitled Four Decades of Marine Photography. That is because I have selected images only...
View ArticleQueen Mary 2 night visit
The Queen Mary 2 made a very brief visit to Halifax in the wee hours of this morning. A passenger was suffering from respiratory problems and had to be landed for treatment. The nature of the ailment...
View ArticleSaturday ins and outs
Fog early meant no photo of CMA CGM Otello on the Columbus JAX serice. The 8488 TEU ship is similar to several other CMA CGM fleet mates that have called here before, but it is the first time for this...
View ArticleSunday over niters
The HAPAG-Lloyd cruise ship Europa arrived early this evening (earlier than I expected it - so no photo of this arrival) and will stay in port over night. The H-L cruise ships of this name (I have...
View ArticleLatest merger - WHERE WILL IT END
The latest mega deal in the container shipping business is another stunner.The Chinese state shipping company COSCO Shipping Holdings Co Ltd has bid $6.3 bn to acquire OOIL (Orient Overseas...
View ArticleA bridge over troubled waters
The new pedestrian floating sidewalk, the "Sea Bridge" has finally opened. Spanning between the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and the Cable Wharf, it allows pedestrians to avoid the big hole at...
View ArticleAll new to us
Four ships, all new to Halifax, put in appearances today.BBC Nevada arrived in the early hours of the morning at pier 31, and by the time I caught up with it, it had apparently completed its cargo work...
View ArticleRoll Out
Today was Roll Out Day at Halifax Shipyard. Crews moved mega-block #2 of the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship Harry De Wolf from the Assembly Hall to the hardstand at pier 7, where it will be joined to the...
View ArticleFriday and Saturday Round Up
A fist time caller Friday was Glen Canyon Bridge another of the many K-Line ships we are seeing now with the new service THE Alliance that has replaced the G6 Alliance. Although HAPAG-Lloyd is a...
View ArticleRoll ons
Cargo with wheels keeps rolling in and out of Halifax. Arriving for Autoport Dalian Highway is one of a few PCTCs (Pure Car and Truck Carriers) built in China. It came from the Nantong COSCO KHI in...
View ArticleFour down - one to go
As I was taking a photo of ACL's G4 ship Atlantic Sail leaving Halifax yesterday, another event was unfolding on the other side of the Atlantic. The G3 ACL ship Atlantic Cartier was sailing from...
View ArticleNew for Nirint
Another "new to Nirint" ship arrived last night with a load of nickel and sailed late this afternoon. The ship is Atlantic Patriot, an sister ship to Atlantic Pioneer and Atlantic Progress that have...
View ArticleShips named for people
Two ships named for people arrived in Halifax today. Most ocean going ships are not named for people (with the exception of some well known passenger ships) so it is is always interesting to find out...
View ArticleSiem Cicero on maiden voyage
The auto carrier Siem Cicero made its first arrival in Halifax today on its first revenue trip (aka its maiden voyage).The ship was launched as recently as November 12, 2016 by Uljanik shipyard in...
View ArticleRoundup
With the annual Shipfax vacation about to start soon, it seems like a good time to do a small round up of pending events.The Atlantic Pilotage Authority has acquired a pair of high speed pilot boats to...
View ArticleAtlantic Conveyor - finale
This may be my final posting on the Atlantic Conveyor except perhaps for a report that she has headed for the scrap yard. Her arrival today is likely her last westbound trip, and since I will be away...
View ArticleThemis ramps it down
The large autocarrier Themis made its first call in Halifax today, on a very gloomy morning. It stopped first at pier 31 to unload some wheeled machinery and in the afternoon moved to Autoport to...
View ArticleOff Watch and thank you
Veendam outbound in the main channel, Reykjafoss (Eimskip) inbound in the western channel, Fritz Reuter (Melfi) oubound in the western channel and Vega Omega (Tropical) outbound in the main...
View ArticleTo watch for
Watch for the Atlantic Pilotage Authority's new pilot boats. As mentioned in a previous post, crews are putting the boats through their paces before they go into service.This morning the Nova Pilot was...
View ArticleQuebec Report #1
Having established a reliable internet connection in Quebec I am now able to post at will. I won't be posting every day, but today's superb weather made for some good photo opportunities.There were...
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