Second lives for two trawlers
A trip to the south shore of Nova Scotia always turns up some interesting shipping activity. This weekend was no exception.In Bridgewater the beautiful little Gaspé trawler Line-Guy was tied up at the...
View ArticleSurf's up - cruisers down - UPDATED
High winds and driving rain swept over Halifax last night and early this morning, resulting in power outages on land, and high seas in the harbour approaches. It was great for early morning surfers,...
View ArticleTanker change
The Panamanian flag tanker Challenge Paradise arrived in Halifax on September 17 and anchored in Bedford Basin. The next day it moved to Imperial Oil dock 3 and back to anchor on the 19th.Yesterday her...
View ArticleRoyal Princess - first timer
Christened to much fanfare by HRH the Duchess of Cambridge at Southampton, UK, June 13, 2013, Princess Cruise Line's Royal Princess made an unusual late afternoon arrival in Halifax today.Fincantieri...
View ArticleCelebrity overniter
Another unusual sight today was Celebrity Summit sailing and Maasdam arriving.Celebrity Summit was due to sail at 1745 yesterday to make way for Royal Princess, but instead went out to number one...
View ArticleTanker Parade
Both of the tankers anchored in Bedford Basin made their way to Imperial Oil this morning. First in was the long-time resident Energy Pride. It arrived in Halifax September 3 and has been idle there...
View ArticleTrials for Heros
The last two Hero class mid-shore patrol boats were undergoing trials today.CCGS M.Charles M.B. set out from the Coast Guard base at the Bedford Institute and spent the day in Bedford Basin. Number...
View ArticleHMCS Montreal - at moorings in the Basin
HMCS Montreal has been in and out of harbour countless times over the past few weeks, obviously working up after Life Extension work. This morning she was mooring in Bedford Basin, with lines out to a...
View ArticleRuby Princess - first timer
Under the watchful eye of Theodore Too, the Ruby Princess made its first appearance in Halifax this morning. Another product of Fincantiere's Monfalcone shipyard, the 1113,000+ grt, the ship has a...
View ArticleConti Guinea brightens up the Basin
The product tanker Conti Guinea provided a bright red spot in Bedford Basin today. It arrived last night, giving New Orleans as its last port. Flying the flag of Liberia it also advertises the United...
View ArticleLegend arrives
Despite being something of a veteran amongst modern day cruise ships, Legend of the Seas had never called in Halifax until this morning's arrival. The ship was built in 1995 by Chantier de l'Atlantique...
View ArticleSeabourn Quest
Another new to Halifax this year cruise ship is Seabourn Quest. I finally caught up with it today, on its third visit this season.Built in 2011 it is the third in a series (Seabourn Sojourn of 2009 and...
View ArticleBBC Kimberly - one lift and gone
The multi-purpose general cargo ship BBC Kimberley made the briefest of appearances in Halifax today. Docking at Fairview Cove shortly after 1300 it was due to sail at 1400.That would only leave it...
View ArticleAlso rans
Not an apology, but Shipfax does not post everything that happens in Halifax harbour. The amount of activity is such that I have to pick and chose what I post. Despite my well known ability to be in...
View ArticleAmazoneborg - big on rails
The Dutch general cargo ship Amazoneborg arrived last night, and this morning was unloading rails at pier 27. Generally the rails, which come from Spain or Poland, arrive on smaller Dutch ships from...
View ArticleVeendam cancel
My earlier post noting Veendam using an escort tug on arrival at pier 20 on September 22 was apparently the result of a problem with one of the propellers.Arriving September 22, with tug assistance.The...
View ArticleUPT times two in the Basin
A second UPT tanker arrived in Bedford Basin early yesterday morning to join another UPT tanker that has been there since September 26.The newer arrival is Mount Kibo a product tanker of 23,313 grt,...
View ArticleCSL Tacoma - now a regular
CSL Tacoma sailed this foggy morning with another load of gypsum. The Trillium class self-unloader now seems to be the most frequent gypsum carrier to call at National Gypsum and has become a...
View ArticleCruise News - updated
It is the height of cruise season with some days seeing three or even four ships. It is also the time of year when weather may interfere with schedules but it is not often that mechanical repairs mess...
View ArticleBig Cruise Day
With five ships in port and 9,200 or so passengers and several thousand crew engulfing Halifax and surrounds, this is the apex of the cruise season. (There will also be four ships tomorrow and on the...
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