Manon delivers to 9C
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen auto carrier Manon made a two point call in Halifax July 7-8. Arriving first at Autoport early on the morning of July 7, it spent the day unloading cars. In the early evening...
View ArticleContainers in, containers out...
It was a busy day today, July 9, at PSA Halifax Atlantic Gateway, with three ships. MSC Esthi, which arrived yesterday, departed mid-morning, eastbound on the Indusa service. Next stop: Port Said, ETA...
View ArticleCMA CGM Surabaya - amended
On the old TV show "I've Got a Secret", there was a mystery guest, whose identitiy was hidden from a panel of four minor celebrities. The audience could see the guest, who was asked to "sign in...
View ArticleNew pilot boats for APA - revised
The Atlantic Pilotage Authority (APA) has taken delivery of two lightly used pilot boats from the Port of Milford Haven in Wales. Named St.Brides and St.Govans, they were built in 2016 by Mainstay...
View ArticleMSC Cornelia - the shift is on
The long rumoured rationalisation of shipping line allocations between Halifax's two container terminals appears to have started, with MSC Cornelia arriving at PSA Fairview Cove this morning instead...
View ArticleGrande Halifax
Another one of Grimaldi Lines' colourful auto carriers paid a visit to Halifax July 12 and 13. As with other ships of the line, it is named for a port or region where the ship is likely to call. In...
View ArticleMSC Sandra
One of the most frequent of MSC ships to call in Halifax over the past couple of years has been MSC Sandra. I first noted its arrival on September 19, 2021 on the Canada Express 2 service from Spain to...
View ArticleONE Owl
The return of ONE Owl today (July 17) on the eastbound leg of its voyage (it was here westbound on June 28) gave an opportunity for a series of proper photos - unlike the 3/4 aft view from that last...
View ArticleReturn of the Regulars
Two arrivals in Haliax today (July 19) were both regulars - one long term and one shorter term.The "newer" of the arrivals was MSC Nuria from Montreal on the CANEX 2 service to Mediterranean ports....
View ArticleAdd a bird: ONE Grus
Add another bird to the aviary of Bird class container ships on THE Alliance's EC5 service. Today (July 20) it was ONE Grus making a foggy arrival at PSA Halifax, south end terminal. Unlike some of...
View ArticleHollyhock transplant
The US Coast Guard cutter Hollyhock arrived at the Tall Ships Quay this morning, July 21, bringing dense fog with it. (A gentle onshore breeze, coupled with a rising tide, was the perfect recipe to...
View ArticlePijlgracht delivers - part 1
The Dutch flagged heavy lift cargo ship Pijlgracht tied up at Pier 9C first thing this morning (July 25) and within a couple of hours had offloaded a shrink wrapped mystery package from its number one...
View ArticleZaandam - medical emergency
The cruise ship Zaandam was outbound after a day in port today (July 25) when there was a medical emergency on board. The ship still had its pilot on board, so was able to turn around in a safe area...
View ArticleAOPVs
Irving Shipbuilding Inc has reached another milestone in the Arctic Offshore Patrol Vessel program with AOPV 4 leaving Halifax Shipyard today (July 27) for builder's trials. The future HMCS William...
View ArticleContship Art - for ZIM and Tarifa for WWO
ZIM ZIM's CFX service - a weekly Caribbean feeder line from Halifax to Kingston, Jamaica via New York, has been opearting since April 2018 using short term charters. Today (July 28) saw the arrival of...
View ArticleHalifax Harbour - sublime to ridiculous
There is seemingly no end to the variety of shipping activity in Halifax harbour. From containers to bulk cargo, tankers to cruise ships, Navy and Coast Guard and personal recreation to super...
View ArticleLady Malou - standing by
The tanker Lady Malou arrived in Halifax last evening (July 29) and took up position in #3 anchorage. It is expected to move alongside Imperial Oil's #3 dock later this evening (July 30).A typical...
View ArticleWind Power
Despite advances in power generation, the wind is still popular. Today (July 31) as the offshore installation vessel Orion using its 5,000 tonne crane lifts a wind turbine base component from the...
View ArticleMuch ado (Post #1)
There was much coming and going in Halifax harbour today, August 2, with some interesting background. I have therefore made three seperate posts.An early morning arrival at Pier 22 was the cruise ship...
View ArticleMuch Ado #2 - the wind
The second post outlining the busy action in Halifax harbour today, August 2, involves the ships working on the Vineyard Wind project. Halifax is the staging port for the project off the Massachusetts...
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