Double Dutch - updated
For a time this morning, April 12, two ships with Dutch connections were tied up at adjacent berths in Halifax. The first ship was flying the Dutch flag, and the second only had a Dutch crew.First to...
View ArticleOld Tricks
Forward visibility on container ships can be a problem if the deck load of boxes is too high. The International Maritime Organization (the IMO) which sets standards for ship design, construction and...
View ArticleThe Horizon Star is now ADV Reliant
Horizon Maritime's former flagship Horizon Star has been renamed ADV Reliant by its new owners, the Australian government. ADV stands for Australian Defence Vessel - it will not use the Royal...
View ArticleQuiet weekend -edited
With Easter and Passover coinciding this weekend, shipping traffic was predictably quiet. Container ships however come and go as usual. Today (Saturday April 16) it was NYK Meteor at Fairview Cove and...
View ArticleAsterix returns
The Royal Canadian Navy's "afloat sustainment point"Asterix returned to Halifax today April 17 after nearly a month at sea. The ship sailed from Halifax March 21, first for NATO exercises and a call...
View ArticleInitial visit CSL Kajika - updated
The self-unloading bulker CSL Kajika anchored in Halifax April 19 - marking its first visit to this port. Since joining the CSL Americas division of CSL Group Inc in October 2021, the ship has been...
View ArticleNYK Delphinus - sailing light; MSC Tianjin - sailing heavy
We seldom see ships as lightly loaded as NYK Delphinus was today (April 21). Despite plenty of boxes on deck, the ship was showing a lot of boot topping. AIS reports it was drawing 8.7 m [28.54 ft] of...
View ArticleMore boxes and more cars + Bonus Round
The work of the port continues unabated with daily arrivals of container ships and the somewhat less frequent arrival of RoRo traffic.This morning, April 22 saw the arrival of both types of ships. At...
View ArticleAtlantic Star - nostalgia time
The name Atlantic Star has no doubt been carried on the bows of many ships over the years [see footnote]. In my mind however there are two that stand out. Atlantic Container Line's current Atlantic...
View ArticleLudogorets - in to top up (updated)
The Ludogorets arrived today, April 25, to top up its cargo of soy beans*. It is one of several Navigation Maritime Bulgare ships that are frequent callers to Great Lakes ports. When they load export...
View ArticleCruise Control
Cruise ships returned to the Port of Halifax today, April 26, after a lengthy hiatus. When the last cruise ship called here, the Riviera on November 6, 2019 , no one had any idea that two entire...
View ArticleContainer Growth
The Mediterranean Shipping Company MSC is firmly entrenched in first place in the pantheon of container shipping companies, thanks to an aggressive buying plan that saw the line purchase 186 "used"...
View ArticleDartmouth - where the action is
The eastern shore of Halifax harbour is still identified as Dartmouth even though it was amalgamated with Halifax, along with the town of Bedford and Halifax County to form the Halifax Regional...
View ArticleOcean Voyager
The cruise ship season began on Tuesday April 20 after a two year interruption. The first ships provided a contrast in size betweeen the Norwegian Getaway and the Ocean Navigator. (See previous...
View ArticleAugusta Luna shift to Pier 27.
Nirint Shipping BV from the Netherlands is the long time operator of a container and general cargo service from Europe to Cuba. On the return leg from Cuba, Nirint ships stop in Halifax to unload...
View ArticleNukumi - amended
Canada Steamjhip Lines' brand new salt hauler the Nukumi sailed from its berth in Halifax on Friday April 29, just over a month after it arrived from the shipyard in China. See ShipfaxMarch 27,...
View ArticleCruise Times Two
The Port of Halifax cruise season traditionally hits its stride in September / October, but this year it is getting off to an early and busy start. Resuming activities after two years on April 26, the...
View ArticleA Tale of Two Cities
Maybe a better title would have been Two Tales of One City. Over the years many ships have carried the name of Canada's largest city, Toronto. These have included naval vessels, passenger ships and...
View ArticlePlease Take A Bow
The barge Atlantic Marlin was used this afernoon, April 30, to transfer bow sections from Woodside, on the Dartmouth side of the harbour, to Halifax Shipyard. [see previous post of April 27, 2022]The...
View ArticleOceans Apart
Two "Ocean" cruise ships arrived this morning, May 1, and tied up at adjacent berths.First up was Ocean Navigator on its second visit this year. It inaugurated the 2022 cruise season on April 25.As...
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