CSL's self-unloading bulk carrier Atlantic Erie has been aground in the Magdalen Islands since Sunday, fully loaded with salt. The ship was sailing from the Mines Saleine loader when high winds took the ship out of the channel. Reprts indicate that there is only minor hull damage, and that tugs are attempting to free the ship.
Recently it has been chartered to carry salt from the Magdalen Islands to Quebec ports. Salt that is a tough cargo on ships, and is usually relegated to ships that are finishing out their years of service. Now entering its thirtieth year Atlantic Erie does not have too many years left.
Atlantic Erie downbound on the St.Lawrence, was one of the first ships ever to display a website on its side.
A familiar ship in Halifax, it took its first load of gypsum here September 15, 1985 when it was brand new and carrying its original name of Hon. Paul Martin. The name changed in 1988 and it traded internationally for several years as Atlantic Erie before returning to Canada in 1996. Since then participated in the Hibernia ballasting operation, it has had refits in Halifax, brought in cargoes of coal in 2001 and 2002, and wintered over in 2001 after unloading a cargo of corn and has made numerous calls at National Gypsum..Under its original name, Hon. Paul Martin, the ship was painted black. It is shown arriving in Halifax in its first full year of operation.
Recently it has been chartered to carry salt from the Magdalen Islands to Quebec ports. Salt that is a tough cargo on ships, and is usually relegated to ships that are finishing out their years of service. Now entering its thirtieth year Atlantic Erie does not have too many years left.