The fourth in a series of nine Canadian Coast Guard Hero class patrol vessels, Constable Carrière, took to the water today in a controlled launch at Halifax Shipyard. There was no ceremony, so shipyard workers released the launching cradle, and with a heavily ballasted truck as counterweight, allowed the ship to move down the launch ways. When it reached the edge of the harbour a riding crew boarded the new ship and it was then launched into its element.
1. As it neared the water's edge, the launch cradle stopped for a few minutes to allow a riding crew to board.
2. As workers look on from shore, the ship touches water for the first time.
Once the launch cradle was let go, the tugs Atlantic Oak and Atlantic Larch shepherded the new craft to pier 9B.The new ship, was rolled out of the assembly hall on January 4.
3. With tugs fore and aft, Constable Carrière approaches pier 9 B where it will undergo final fit out and trials.