A tanker more likely to be seen on the St.Lawrence River arrived in Halifax at noon time today and tied up at pier 27-28.
Flying the Greek flag, but owned by Euronav of Antewerp, Belgium, the 81,148 grt/145,652 dwt tanker unloaded a cargo of Algerian crude at the Valero (Ultramar) in refinery in Levis, QC, and arrived here in ballast.
Since the ship had to transit heavy ice en route, I assuming that her unusual visit relates to ice issues.
Flying the Greek flag, but owned by Euronav of Antewerp, Belgium, the 81,148 grt/145,652 dwt tanker unloaded a cargo of Algerian crude at the Valero (Ultramar) in refinery in Levis, QC, and arrived here in ballast.
Since the ship had to transit heavy ice en route, I assuming that her unusual visit relates to ice issues.