The United States Coast Guard is well along in the program to build a large number of Fast Response Cutters (FRC) called the Sentinel class. There are sixty-six vessels planned with fifty-four now completed and fifty-three in service (according to latest info). The 353 light ton displacement boats are based on a Damen 4708 design (nominally 47 meters long x 8 meters wide) but with modifications to suit USCG requirements. These include an increase in speed from 23 knots to 28 knots, and the choice of armaments. (Damen is a large Netherlands based builder of tugs and other smaller craft, and licenses its designs to other builders around the world.)
The fiftieth member of the Sentinel class, USCGC William Chadwick WPC 1150, arrived in Halifax today, April 17, and tied up at the Tall Ships Quay.
There are obvious similarities to the Canadian Coast Guard's Hero class patrol vessels, which are also based on a Damen design but of a smaller version, the 4207 class (42 meters by 7 meters). There have been complaints about the sea-keeping capability of the Canadian boats in rough weather, but the USCG boats seem to perform better.
Bollinger Shipyards in Lockport LA is the builder of the Sentinels and delivered this one on August 4, 2022. It was commissioned November 10, 2022 and is based in Boston, although it arrived today from Portland, ME.
As the boat approached the dock it had fenders rigged on the port side, but just as it began to swing about to come alongside the crew hastily moved the fenders to the starboard side, foiling my attempt to get a "clean" photo.
In another similarity with the Canadian Coast Guard boats, the US boats are named for heroes, but in their case, of the USCG or previous agencies such as the Life-Saving Service (which was merged into the USCG in 1915.). This cutter is named for William Chadwick, keeper of the Green Island Lifeboat Station in New Jersey. He received the Congressional Gold Lifesaving Medal for the rescue of the crew of the schooner George Taulane in 1880.
[For more on the man William Chadwick, see the artice in this link: Maritime Executive or at: