I have often referred to the US Postal Service's motto here when weather makes it difficult for shipping in the harbour (and for me to keep track of it.)
The last couple of days, April 12 and 13, have seen heavy rain and high wind (but fortunately no snow) and dense fog. Pilotage operations have been suspended for various periods due to swells and surges and several arrivals and departures have been delayed.
As for operations in the harbour, unless winds are extremely high, the container piers* can still work cargo. (There is a maximum wind speed for safe operation of the cranes.) Containers are largely impervious to rain, so if the ship can make it into port, it can be loaded and unloaded.
Today's (April 13) arrival for the ZCA service ZIM Container Atlantic, the Navios Indigo, managed to reach port before the latest pilotage suspension. The ship started calling for ZIM last year. See my post for October 27, 2023
Lingering fog was considerably thinner over Bedford Basin where the ship was tied up at the Fairview Cove west berth*.At Pier 9C* the BBC Rhonetal continued to load gas pipe despite the rain.
The ship was using its own cranes to load, and appears to have been working two or even three holds at one time, but has closed most of the hatches. There are hundreds of pipes left to load, so the ship will be here for some time yet. They are often loaded in bundles of two or three, depending on how they are to be organized and secured below deck.
Some ships were able to sail, one being the Fairwind Legion which departed long term anchorage in Bedford Basin for Portsmouth, New Hampshire to load submarine cable. It has been in port since February 28.
[April 3 photo]
See my post of February 28 for details on the ship. A sister ship Nord Logos has been waiting offshore and is due tomorrow, probably to load cable racks.
* Footnote on Terminolgy
The Port of Halifax does not use standard terminology to designate some of its facilities - see subsequent post for my exposition on this topic.