Among the ships that hung about off Halifax during the recent snow fall was the Marshal Islands flagged Navig8 Constellation. The ship entered port yesterday, February 6, and tied up at Imperial Oil dock 3, to discharge a cargo of refined product from Antwerp, Belgium.
The ship was built in 2013 by the Shina Shipbuilding Co in Tongyeong, South Korea and is a MidRange IMO 2 tanker of 29,478 gt, 45,281 dwt. Built originally for United Arab Chemical Carriers of Dubai it was launched as UACC Muharraq but was renamed Nave Constellation on delivery to the Shinousa Group and operated by Navios Tankers Management. In 2016 it took its present name and has been managed by the Indian company Suntech Ship Management. It operates on the spot market in one of the 140 ship strong Navig8 pools. Navig8 was merged with ScorpioTankers in 2017. The publicly traded Navig8 may be in play again as there are press reports of a rumoured sale to Dubai owners.