Another storm passed over the region today with high winds and rain. Pilotage operations were suspended until mid-afternoon, with several ships standing by offshore waiting to enter port and some in port waiting to leave.
Picture taking conditions were less than ideal, with somewhat reduced visibility in the rain and some fog. As the old expression goes it was good weather for ducks.
CSL Tacoma was inbound for Gold Bond Gypsum as soon as pilotage operations were resumed at 1500 hrs AST. A small population of ducks, apparently mallards, stood by off Black Rock beach. There is a regular goup of about 30 mallards that stay around the area.
For the winter birders - the cormorants are gone for the winter, no eiders have yet been seen, some Canada geese are lingering in Eastern Passage near Shearwater and the usual lone Little Gull has arrived in the Pier 20 area. (December 23 photo).