When the Coastal Shipping tanker Havelstern left the Novadock on Monday she went to pier 27 to complete her refit, and this morning she took on fuel from the Algoma Dartmouth. Once that was completed the ship was free to go about her business, but with stormy conditions still prevailing, the decision was made to got to anchor in Bedford Basin.
Havelstern shows off her new hull paint while northbound in the Narrows for Bedford Basin during the one sunny break when the low passed over Halifax this afternoon.
Once in the Basin Havelstern joined an armada of four other tankers, all either waiting for berths or better weather: Maersk Katalin (was at Imperial Oil, but came off the dock due to weather), Perseus N (waiting for better weather to dock at Nova Scotia Power), Cielo di Salerno and Seapride (waiting their turns).
Most Coastal Shipping tankers are used sparingly in the winter, and lay up in Lewisporte, Newfoundland. They are busiest in the summer months when they work in the far north.