Among the various activities in Halifax harbour today, August 2, was a long expected and significant shift. The Oceanex Sanderling arrived on its weekly run from St.John's and docked at Autoport as it usually does. By late morning after completing its work, it shifted berths, but not to PSA Atlantic Gateway (south end terminal) but to PSA Fairview Cove.
The unfamiliar sight of the Oceanex Sanderling in the Narrows, will now be a regular one.
Ever since arriving in Halifax to work for predecessor Atlantic Searoute Ltd, in 1987, the ship has used the southend termainal, then known asHalterm. When PSA acquired the management of the former Halterm and Fairview Cove, it was expected that there would be a rationalizaiton, with smaller ships going to Fairview Cove, freeing up availability at the southend for larger larger ships. The added benefit to Oceanex (and to the city too) is to divert a significant number of trucks off downtown streets. Particularly with a major street realignment project underway, downtown traffic has become even more chaotic and will be worse before it gets better for at least another year. Oceanex trucks downtown may be reduced, but there is still a significiant interchange with Maersk, CMA CGM and lines that use the southend terminal, and those presumably will have to be made by truck for the foreseeable future.
At the end of the working day the Oceanex Sanderling remained alongside at Fairview Cove (it used to go to anchor over night) and will be ready for work tomorrow without having to shift again.
Once into Bedford Basin the ship makes its turn toward Fairview Cove.
CSL Tacoma is in the background loading at Gold Bond Gypsum.
Although I have told it several times before, it seems an appropriate time to repeat the history of the Oceanex Sanderling: