The autocarrier Morning Capo returned to Autoport today, July 4, completing two Atlantic "loops" since its last visit April 30.
The ship was built in 2013 by Hyundai Heavy Industry at its Kunsan (also given as Gunsan) shipyard. The mammoth facility, complete with 700m long drydock and a 1,000 tonne crane, was opened in 2009, but closed in 2017 due to depressed demand. When it was re-opened in October last year the company hired 750 workers (to start).
A 59,615 gt, 20,139 dwt ship, it has a capacity of 6,674 cars. The ship is managed by Wilhelmsen, one of the owners of the Eukor brand name, and is operating on the Wallenius Wilhelmsen Oceann transatla ntic service.
Tracing its recent movements I find that the ship was in Zeebrugge May 26-29 then called in Dundalk, MD (June 7-9), Baltimore (June 9-10), Goteborg (June 20-21) and Zeebrugge again June 23-25.