The French container line CMA CGM has a significant presence in Halifax because it brings in the largest ships to use the port, such as yesterday's caller CMA CGM Marco Polo, 16,020 TEU. Today, May 14, however there was a bit of change as the Singapore flag APL Southampton made an "unscheduled" call at PSA Halifax Atlantic Gateway.
The APL Southampton dates from 2012 when it was delivered by Daewoo, Okpo. It is a 128,929 gt, 131,358 dwt ship with a capacity of 10,960 TEU (APL only admits to 10,800 TEU).
CMA CGM purchased Neptune Orient Line (NOL) of Singapore in 2016. NOL is the parent company of APL, formerly American President Line, which continues to operate under the APL name with more than sixty ships (some operating for other lines) including nine under the US flag. It is primarily CMA CGM's transpacific operator.
The APL Southampton is running on CMA CGM's India -America Express, and running head to head with MSC's Indusa service. By the look of the containers on deck, there seem to be a lot of other lines' boxes too. I noted Hapag-Lloyd (and UASC - with common owners), OOCL and ONE, so perhaps they are picking up overflow from competitors.
As India overtakes China as the world's most populous nation, North America will certainly increase its trade with the region which includes Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The APL Southampton's recent ports were Suez April 13-14, Dumyat (formerly Damietta) April 14-22, New York May 5-8 and Norfolk May 10-11. Its next port is scheduled to be Algeciras, and will presumably retrace its route. (The normal port rotation for the IAX as published shows the last North American port to be Charleston, sailing directly for Port Said, then Jeddah, Port Qasim, (Pakistan) Nava Sheva and Mundra, India.)