With Algoma tankers all over Halifax harbour (four at least count if you include ex vessels) it is time for a brief update.
The former Algoma Hansa, officially removed from the Canadian register on January 13 and renamed Algo remains at Pier 25 -26. The weather has finally co-operated enough for the painters to modify the name and add Monrovia as the port of registry.
The painters also hastily covered the Algoma crest on the funnel. Most ships sold for scrap are renamed (as economically as possible) and any traces of prior ownersdhip are obliterated before sailing.
If the ship is going to India for scrap it is usually re-registered under a marginal flag of convenience such as St.Kitts and Nevis. However registering the ship in Liberia (a higher standard flag of convenience) indicates that the ship will remain insured until it reaches its destination, likely Turkey, and will sail under its own power, rather than in tow. There is little chance that the ship will be re-sold for further trading, but that is still an outside possibility. I have heard reports that it will be used for bunkering or for shuttle service.
Once the Algoma shield was painted over on the funnel, there appeared the original Dannebrog swallow tail pennant which was not just painted on, but built on, with steel plate.
Algoma's latest acquistion Algotitan (ex Chataco) remains at Pier 27. Algonorth is due to sail this afternoon with the newly arrived Algoscotia standing by to to take its berth.
Street views of the harbour, such as this one from Sackville Street, are sometimes rewarding. Algoscotia arriving from Sept Iles, did a "harbour tour" around George's Island while the Algonorth was getting underway for Sydney.