Once a scallop dragger based in Nova Scotia, then a research and training vessel in Newfoundland, the Anne S. Pierce has been extensively rebuilt as a luxury expedition yacht for a United States owner. It arrived from Newfoundland today, October 14, and tied up at the Foundation pier on the Halifax waterfront.
Built in 1982 by Deep Sea Trawlers in Lunenburg (and the only ship ever built by that company), it carried the name L.J.Penney until 1985. I have been unable to identify the namesake.
It was a pioneering stern trawler design for the scallop fishery, which usually used a traditional style side trawler. Scallop dragging involves towing a large rake with chain mesh bag along the sea bottom. The shells are brought aboard and shucked (opened and the meat removed) while the vessel is at sea. The shells are dropped back to the seabead. Owners, Pierce Fisheries of Lockeport, NS pioneered freezing scallops at sea and flash freezing.
In 2002 the trawler was in Halifax.
In 1985 the vessel was renamed Anne S. Pierce shortly before the company was acquired by Clearwater Seafoods, to operate as a freestanding scallop division. By the early 2000s it appears that the ship was converted for research by an arm of Clearwater, and then was sold to Memorial University of Newfoundland where its Marine Institute used the ship for research and training. In the late 2000 teens (perhaps 2017) the ship was laid up with mechanical issues.
At this point an anonymous "wealthy retired American", who had spent many summers cruising the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts, sought out a capable vessel to suit his needs. He made a connection with Glovertown Shipyard, Ltd and acquired the Anne S. Pierce. A major transformation then took place between 2019 and 2021 (COVID extended the schedule). The hull was gutted, a new superstructure was fabricated and the whole vessel was completely fitted out for expedition type cruising. Although there is now accommodation for several guests, the vessel normally operates with a crew of five and just the owner on board.