Those who consult the AIS maps for activity in Halifax harbour may have noted that a Smart Atlantic meteorogical / oceanographic buoy has been showing up on Pier 9B in recent days. This what it looks like: (It is 4meters in diameter according to some sources - 3 meters according to others.)
I believe this is the buoy that is normally positioned off Herring Cove at the mouth of the harbour, anchored in 35m of water. According to the Smart Atlantic website the buoy was built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, BC and has been in service since 2017. It is capable of "measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge".
The unit has apparently been out of service since June 30, but is currently in "burn-in testing" for redeployment. Presumably that is why it is transmitting an AIS signal from its position on the pier.
See Smart Altantic's listing at: