Marener Industries in Halifax is cranking out aluminum emergency response boats for the Canadian Coast Guard. As part of the government's economic action plan, the Department of Fisheries & Oceans awarded a $7.9 mn contract to build 15 of the 50 47 foot boats. Marener is building ten of them,. Three others are under construction at Kanter Boats in St.Thomas, ON and two more at Alberni Engineering in Alberni, BC. The boats are assembled at Marener's facilities at pier 9B in Halifax, although some of the work has been subcontracted. Laurentian Steel Fabricators of Sydney, NS built seven of the hull frames, to jump start the project.
1. A boat returns from trials in Bedford Basin.
2. An unfinished hull awaits completion.
3. A house, well advanced with most fittings installed. It will have seating for six, a galley and head.
4. With the house installed on the hull, the boat sits on a special cradle to be backed into the assembly building.
5. Boating & Receiving? A boat is assembling in the shed.
6. A fully painted craft emerges from the shed.
7. An extreme shallow draft forward and flat bottom, will allow the boat to ride up on beaches and use its 6,000 lb ton capacity bow door to unload ATVs, spill booms and other equipment.
8. At 50 47 ft long and 15 ft wide and low profile, the boats are easily truckable. The DPH outdrives are in the raised position, which will also be useful in beaching. Main engines are 250 bhp Volvos.

Marener, a locally owned company has formed a joint venture with Weldmec Ab of Finland, called Serecraft NA. Weldmec has its own line of similar boats, but these new ones are distinctive types.
The boats were designed by Robert Alan Ltd. of Vancouver. .