Despite the chaotic conditions in the car industry where the want of computer chips is holding up production, new cars keep rolling in to Autoport. Today (October 26) saw a return of the Felicity Ace which was last here March 6.
This time I was able to see the ship from the starboard side, which is a bit more interesting due to the presence of the side loading door and ramp.
It is also interesting to try to trace the ship's recent movements as it picks up and delivers cars from a variety of ports. I have been able to find records of port calls as far back as June:
June 25-27 Houston, July 7-9 Veracruz, July 16 Davisville, RI, July 28 Emden, August 12 Sparrows Point, August 22 Houston, September 6-8 Veracruz, September 13 Jacksonville, September 16 Sparrows Point, October 12-15 Emden. From Halifax the ship is sailing for Davisville, RI again.