The phrase "fog in the approaches" (to Halifax harbour) was once a common one when marine weather reports were broadcast on public radio. The phrase was particularly appropriate today. Fog lingered offshore and crept in and out with the tide, while the main harbour remained sunny and clear.
Within a few ships' lengths, the ship was swallowed up by the fog. MSC Angela had reduced its deckload to four tiers of containers.
The departure of CMA CGM J. Adams a few hours later was largely invisible.
Once the arriving Atlantic Sun got well into the harbour, it was clear sailing through the Narrows.
Atlantic Fir was providing braking and steering assist from astern.
At the north end of the harbour and into Bedfrod Basin it was clear as a bell for another 100,000 tonner, as Conti Annapurna sailed from Cerescorp, Fairview Cove.
Built by Hyundai, Ulsan in 2004 as Pacific Link the 90,745 gt, 101,976 dwt ship has a capacity of 8738 TEU including 700 reefers. Renamed by NSB Niederelbe in 2016, the ship is a fairly recent addition to THE Alliance's EC5 service, which is introducing larger and larger ships. Soon to be classed (by me) as "Narrowsmax".
Also sailing from the Narrows in clear conditions was the "visiting" CCGS George R. Pearkes as it got underway from the Bedford Institute.
The only other activity that I was able to observe in the harbour today (unaffected by fog) was the continued off loading of rails at Pier 27 from Onego Maas.