Ships big and small at PSA Halifax today show the wide range of vessels used to carry shipping containers.
Another of CMA CGM's Ultra size ships made a return appearance. CMA CGM Panama first called here in September 2020. Built in 2019 by Hyundai, Samho, the 149,314 gt, 157,076 dwt ship has a reported container capacity of 14,855 TEU [although it has a theoretical capacity exceeding 15,000]
With containers stacked nine high, only PSA's largest cranes could manage to work the ship.It was not the only ship using PSA Halifax's facilities however. Eimskp's Selfoss was also a caller.
Oceanex Sanderling moved from PSA Halifax to Autoport then out to anchorage over night.
Also at PSA Halifax, the MSC Véronique moved out from Pier 36 to number one anchorage for trials.
With the assistance of Atlantic Fir and Atlantic Beaver the ship approaches the inner anchorage. Normally ships must have operable main engines if they are anchored in the harbour, and there was exhaust visible from the funnel, but the ship still had restrictions preventing it from leaving port.
Based in Clermont, New Jersey the small vessel, only 92 feet long, is equipped to carry out various offshore tasks using its A-frame to deploy hydrographic and geophysical survey gear. Its visit hear is no doubt due to the impending arrival of Post Tropical storm Elsa over the next few days.
An unusual ship arrived at Pier 9B today. Northstar Challenger is a United States flagged research / workboat.