Thanks to the Longshore workers union it appears that the Port of Halifax will be quiet for a couple of days to celebrate Christmas. Overtime rates for unionized port workers are extremely high for Christmas day, which certainly discourages most shippers from scheduling ships. Even today, Christmas Eve, there were no arrivals or departures scheduled, and there did not appear to be any work on Niovi.GR which is in the process of loading wood pellets. (Not grain as per previous post).
Oceanex Sanderling was tied up at pier 36, with its RoRo ramp down, but no work going on this afternoon.
Given that there will be little activity in the harbour, there will also be little activity on this blog. However before signing off for a few days I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, hoping that the restrictions we are all experiencing will not be too onerous.
Business in the port may be quite busy between Christmas and New Year, so Shipfax is standing by for action.