An unusual tow left Halifax harbour this afternoon, but if you missed it you may have three more chances.
Essentially it was the tug Lois M. and the barge Glovertown Spirit, but it was the barge's cargo that was unusual.
The cargo is in fact a bridge, built by Cherubini Metal Works in Dartmouth and loaded aboard the barge at their own dock in Eisner's Cove. The 340 tonne structure measures 57m x 21m x 10.21m high and is destined for Toronto. There it will be put to use as the Cherry Street North transit bridge linking the mainland to Villiers Island.
Cherubini Metal Workers Ltd has a contract to build four such bridges, all of which will be transported by barge to Toronto.
The tug and barge owners, McKeil Marine Ltd of Hamilton, ON have a fleet of tugs and deck barges suitable for such work.