The CCGS Capt Jacques Cartier [*] has spent the weekend anchored out in Bedford Basin. Whether this is part of its commissioning or some other activity I have no idea.
The ship is not in official service yet as far as I can tell, however it was delivered in the spring and should be just about ready by now despite COVID related delays.
* see my carping about ships named after people on April 1, 2020
Meanwhile on the topic of names, the life extension refit continues at Shelburne on CCGS Edward Cornwallis which will be renamed on completion.
One of four trailers at Fairview August 27.
The labels called the contents "gensets" which would likely be correct for main engines for a diesel electric ship.
If these are just being delivered now it seems that it may be some time before the refit is completed - perhaps beyond the January 2021 date previously published.