One of the realities about Halifax harbour is fog. Even with relatively warm air temperatures, the ocean remains cold. At time of writing the Herring Cove smart buoy just off Halifax is reporting air temperature of 19.7C and sea surface temperature of 12.4C. With very little wind (7.8kts) and high relative humidity (approx. 100%), conditions are ideal for fog.
Visibility was reported to be one mile or less in the harbour approaches, and so it was possible to hear the arrival of Atlantic Sun before seeing it emerge from the fog.
Once the ship was in past Ives Knoll it became fully visible even though Macnab's Island in the background was still well fogged in.
Once into the main harbour, the water warms up, and the air clears and there is normal visibility.
The ship arrived from Mylaki, Greece and is bound for Montreal. It appears to be loaded despite closer sources of cement, even within Quebec. The ship sailed soon after I took this picture, and soon "vanished" in the fog.