The research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen arrived at the Bedford Institute last evening from its Quebec City base. Normally the ship would be well on its way to the high arctic for scientific work. Instead this year, as a way of protecting the north from the COVID-19 pandemic, the ship, and its scientists, will stay south of 60 and carry out research in the Labrador Sea.
The new mission will see the ship return to Quebec City October 24. It was to have conducted a 114 day trip to the Beaufort Sea. Instead it seems it may work out of Halifax or possibly some other Atlantic port.
I hope that the ship is self-isolating for fourteen days, as all visitors from Quebec are required to do on arrival in Nova Scotia, particularly from Quebec where COVID seems to be much more active.
CCGS Amundsen (left) with CCGS Sir William Alexander and CCGC G.Peddle, S.C. at the Bedford Institute.
I hope that the ship is self-isolating for fourteen days, as all visitors from Quebec are required to do on arrival in Nova Scotia, particularly from Quebec where COVID seems to be much more active.