Nirint Shipping B.V. maintains a regular service from Europe to Cuba, returning via Halifax. There are five ships on the run at present, but only four of then are scheduled for Halifax. Three of them are similar ships: Augusta Luna, Augusta Unity, and Augusta Sun. Mostly they arrive and sail under cover of darkness, so this mornings arrival of the latter ship for 10:00 at the pilot station allowed for a photo. They dock at pier 31 to unload nickel sulfides, making for difficult viewing.
The tug Atlantic Willow has made fast alongside to assist the ship to berth at pier 31.
The ship was built in 2003 by New Century Shipyard in Jingjiang, China as Atlantic Progress. It has since carried the names 03: BBC Russia, 08: Federal Patriot, 10: HAL Patriot, 13: Atlantic Patriot, 17: Augusta Sun. It has called in Halifax under several of those names.
The ship measures 12,993 gt, 17,531 dwt and has a nominal TEU capacity of 1118. That figure reduces to 787 TEU at 14 tonnes. The ship was built with two 60 tonne cranes, but a third crane was added flush to the deck (not on a pedestal) on the starboard side, but has been removed.
Augusta Sun at pier 31 in January.
Nirint has an excellent web site, with pdf spec sheets for each ship: