It was another uneventful week in Halifax harbour. The usual comings and goings, with a possible weather delay to Monday or Tuesday, but very little else to report. [see also Tugfax]
The cargo ship Thorco Liva sailed (today) Sunday morning after sitting at anchor in Bedfrod Basin since January 9. The ship made its first call here October 31, 2016 from Belfast, and it loaded cable tanks, then went on to Newington, NH to load the cable. Apparently now completed that work, it reamined at anchor in Bedford Basin until this morning, sailing for Algeciras, Spain.
Looking south from Bedford to the Narrows, Bedford Basin is undisturbed by any shipping traffic.
The cargo ship Thorco Liva sailed (today) Sunday morning after sitting at anchor in Bedfrod Basin since January 9. The ship made its first call here October 31, 2016 from Belfast, and it loaded cable tanks, then went on to Newington, NH to load the cable. Apparently now completed that work, it reamined at anchor in Bedford Basin until this morning, sailing for Algeciras, Spain.
Thorco Liva's anchor cable is straight up and down as sits in Bedford Basin Saturday.
More details on the ship at: