The 18 meter long fishing vessel Fortune Pride capsized off Halifax February 6. An emergency beacon signal at about 2200 hrs AST initiated an intense rescue operation. Despite low visibility, due to snow, and high swells, rescuers were able to recover three of four persons during the night. The fourth member was found in a raft this morning February 7 and transferred to shore on a Royal Canadian Navy Air Force Cormorant helicopter. Sadly two of the persons were termed "unresponsive". An update to this post will follow when more is known.
The Fortune Pride (January 2018 photo) was based in Sambro, NS at the mouth of Halifax harbour, and the incident occurred about 18 km southeast of the port, apparently in the "approaches" searoute into the port.
The boat, measuring 102.09 tons, was built in 1988 by Glovertown Shipyards Ltd in Newfoundland and is owned by Chester Basin Seafood Group Inc of Bridgewater, NS.
Amongst the the vessels responding were the CCGS Hare Bay - the Sambro-based lifeboat (April 29, 2024 photo) - which recovered the first three persons.
The CCGS Sir William Alexander, based in Halifax, responded.(October 1, 2022 photo).
No doubt several local vessels would also have responded.
It has been announced that two of the crew members have died. The first three members were recovered from the water by CCGS Hare Bay. They had been unable to board the life raft due to sea conditions and were in 2ºC water for up to an hour. The fourth person, although found in the raft, was unresponsive when recovered by SAR Techs lowered from the RCAF Cormorant.